How to Prepare Your Child for a Funeral Service

Experiencing the loss of a loved one is a difficult time for any family, and especially for children. It’s often hard for them to understand the whirlwind of emotions they’re going through. When the time comes for you to take your child to a funeral service, it can be a scary, confusing thing for them to experience and observe.

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3 Ways Children Grieve Differently Than Adults

When children lose a close family member or friend, they typically react and grieve very differently compared to adults. Children will often go through two major challenges when grieving: figuring out how to process the trauma and loss of a loved one, and coping with the impact and changes the death makes in their lives.

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5 Ways to Help Children Through the Healing Process

Losing a loved one is never easy. For children especially, it can often be a traumatic experience that is hard for them to comprehend. Having a caring adult who will guide them through the healing process can not only help them grieve, but also create opportunities for growth and transformation.

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5 Important Qualities to Look for in a Hospice Care Provider

When a loved one receives the news that he or she has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, it can be life altering. Besides taking time to process the news and deciding what to do next, finding the right hospice care provider can bring another wave of emotions.

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Your Guide to Preparing for Hospice Care

We understand the difficulty of navigating through end-of-life care and the stress that’s involved. At Sytsema, our purpose is to provide peace of mind, support, and clear direction when times become stressful. We are honored to walk alongside you, providing any assistance you may need.

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