Accounts to Take Care of When a Loved One Passes Away

68372703_mAfter the loss of a loved one, emotions and stress can often make it difficult to remember all there is to take care of once you’ve said your goodbyes. One detail that is often overlooked is the closing, canceling or transferring of your loved one’s various accounts. Below is a list of common accounts to check for as well as a guide on how to go about tending to them.

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What To Do with a Lost Loved One’s Social Media Accounts

Many people are unsure what to do with the social media pages of loved ones after they’ve passed away. While cancelling these accounts is certainly an option, you don’t necessarily have to – you can leave the accounts open and transform them into memorial pages. This is a way to keep and cherish special memories and allow friends and family to go back, look at pictures, reminisce, reflect and remember.

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Secrets to Living a Full Life and Making the Most of Every Day

One moment we are five years old running around playing and the next we are all grown up and headed to work. Time tends to go by quickly – sometimes so quickly, we forget to slow down, stop, and smell the roses. Here are a few secrets to making sure you make the most of your days and live a full and happy life:

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The Importance of Spending Quality Time with Loved Ones

42109099_mWe all get busy with everyday life which often leads to spending less time with loved ones, and unfortunately, regretting it later. It’s important to remember that while it may not always be easy, spending quality time with those you love can actually enhance quality of life – for all involved! Here are just a few benefits you’ll enjoy from time spent together:

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Tips to Care for Yourself While Caring for a Loved One

Caring for a loved one can be difficult and both mentally and physically exhausting. When trying to fit everything into a busy day, often the first thing to be neglected is yourself. However, to be at your best and have the energy and positive attitude needed to care for others, it’s important to make sure you’re getting the care you need too! Here are a few tips to help ensure you keep yourself healthy while caring for a loved one:  

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